Man swallows Airpod while sleeping, poops it out later

    Man swallows Airpod while sleeping, poops it out later

    A Taiwanese man is apparently sticking with his pair of Airpods even after one of them went on a journey through his digestive system.

    The man, surnamed Hsu, from the Taiwan city of Kaohsiung claims that he fell asleep with the earbuds on one night, only to wake up the following morning and find the right one missing. When he tried the locate the function, he heard a sound coming out of his belly.

    He then rushed off to the hospital where a doctor used an X-ray to confirm that the device was indeed inside of his gut before supplying him with some laxatives. Two days later, he pooped out the Airpod and filmed a video of himself rummaging through his own shit to locate the device. What a reunion it was.

    Hsu told reporters that the earbud worked perfectly fine after a good wash.

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    Man swallows Airpod while sleeping, poops it out later


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